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It is well known that the
It is well-known that the precipitation of solid cholesterol monohydrate crystals from supersaturated bile is the first irreversible physical-chemical step in gallstone formation. To study the characteristics, metastable intermediates, and kinetics in the phase transitions of bile, a series of phase
Assim pensamos que os discursos analisados neste artigo cons
Assim, pensamos que os discursos, analisados neste artigo, construídos pelos intelectuais colaboradores de Araucaria de Chile e difundidos pela revista, ao ressaltarem duas vitoriosas revoluções armadas latino-americanas, exatamente no período de vigência da prpm, dialogaram, de alguma maneira, com
The pooled prevalence of clinical rheumatic
The pooled prevalence of clinical rheumatic heart disease (ie, presence of pathological murmur) seemed to be comparable whether it was measured by auscultation only (2·9 per 1000 people, 95% CI 1·7–5·0) or by echocardiography and auscultation (2·7 per 1000 people, 1·6–4·4), which is remarkable. Cons
El n mero de ofrece en una primera
El número 62 de ofrece, en una primera sección, tres artículos que se ubican en los campos de la literatura, las revistas culturales y en general las redes intelectuales en América Latina. Lucía Di Salvo León y Patricio Herrera González, en “¿Una poética del exilio? La revista y el exilio republican
The bone seeking clone used in this study
The bone-seeking clone used in this study showed higher expression of stathmin than the parental MDA-MB-231 cell line. Similarly, using 2-D DIGE and mass spectrometry, Xu et al. have demonstrated that stathmin-1 was up-regulated in a highly metastatic variant of MDA-MB-231 [21]. A proteomic analysis
br Genetic background of Brugada syndrome
Genetic background of Brugada syndrome In 1996, the term “Brugada syndrome” was used to describe what was known as “right bundle branch block, persistent ST segment elevation, and sudden death syndrome”[7]. In 1998, the first BrS-associated gene, SCN5A, which encodes the alpha-subunit of the volt
The LV activation delay increased from baseline
The LV activation delay increased from baseline in clonidine-treated and untreated wild-type rats, although this effect was delayed in the latter group. Similar values were found in clonidine-treated and untreated ETB-deficient rats at 5min and 30min, but there was a trend (p=0.091) toward higher va
En en la revista Estaciones de Monterrey
En 1984, en la revista Estaciones de Monterrey, Homero Garza publica un poema titulado El Eterno Retorno, en el que evoca su experiencia como becario de El Colegio de México. La exuberancia de imágenes de su poesía de juventud da el paso SGX-523 la introspección y a la ironía: Con la influencia de
Eligio Mar a Ancona Castillo naci en la
Eligio María Ancona Castillo nació en la ciudad de Mérida, el 1° de diciembre de 1836. Después de cursar los estudios elementales en la escuela de su padre, inició los cursos preparatorios en el Seminario Conciliar de San Ildefonso. Más tarde se inscribió en la Universidad del Estado para iniciar la
De acuerdo con lo que los coordinadores comentan
De acuerdo con lo que los coordinadores comentan en la introducción al volumen, las respuestas GSK1120212 las inquietudes que movían el debate se habían formulado inicial y paulatinamente desde dos frentes de discusión: aquel que releía a América Latina utilizando las teorías y conceptos de las inst
br Thanks to the leadership of Angela Merkel and
Thanks to the leadership of Angela Merkel and Shinzo Abe, universal health coverage (UHC) is on the agenda of the G7 Summit. The achievement of UHC will contribute to increased global health security by tackling much of the world\'s ill health and associated poverty. As the G7 Summit approaches, i
br In Nadia Akseer and colleagues document the fairly
In , Nadia Akseer and colleagues document the fairly positive maternal and child health outcomes achieved in Afghanistan over the course of a little over a decade. The publication of the Article is timely because the global health SB203580 Supplier is grappling with the lessons learned from the M
In this study there was a
In this study, there was a trend of decreasing percentage of patients who received care in a hospice. Unlike the patients who died in a hospice, the increase of percentage in patients with IDD slowed following the third quaternary of 2009. A British systemic review suggested that good gaboxadol eng
br Los tres textos de los que me ocupo
Los tres textos de los que me ocupo se centran en la figura de Antonio Muñoz, en el momento en que llega article source la Nueva España en 1568 para juzgar la conducta del virrey marqués de Falces. Si bien hay algunas diferencias en las versiones, la mayor parte coincide en presentar a este visita
Se essa uma evid ncia percebida pelos escritores
Se essa é uma evidência percebida pelos escritores e jornalistas citados em seus discursos mais efêmeros, talvez valha a pena insistir em algumas questões: as matérias e os discursos dos escritores colocam o sujeito Brasil em duas posições distintas: ele não é visto/ ele não se vê como parte da Amé
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